Products & Services
from idea to serial production
// products
Thermoplastic composite profiles
Thermoplastic composite profiles
with integral functionality
We develop and produce cost-effective ultralight
composite profiles with tailored performance and integral
functionality to go beyond limits

We use the thermoplastic advantage and strive for a simplified part design to provide you the lightweight potential you need.
We use our design expertise and the TP-advantage to tailor the part functionality to your individual needs.
Our lightweight products enable you to save resources and we actively strive towards a circular economy, making them from recycled and recyclable material.
We simplify composite parts and use our platform technology to integrate functionality, automate manufacturing and provide you the most cost-effective solution.
Motion & Load Transfer
Thermoplastics composites (TPCs) have outstanding specific mechanical properties that make them eminently suitable to transfer loads in parts with a clear load path like struts and driveshafts. The meltability of TPCs allows to integrate load transfer elements directly into the part to make them lighter, more robust and cost-effective.
- Struts & Rods
- Drive shafts
- Shafts with levers
- Truss elements

Fluid Transport & Storage
The chemical resistance of TPCs in combination with their thermo-mechanical properties offer superior performance in harsh and challenging environments. Using non-metallic fittings and integrating them directly into the part enables lighter, more resistant and corrosion free solutions.
- Fuel pipes
- Hydraulic pipes
- Electrical resistance pipes
- LH2/LOX pipes
- H2 tanks
- Air ducts
Complex Shape & Functionality
TPCs can be welded and thermoformed. The herone technology allows curvature, branches, and variation of cross-section. We use that to increase the design space and add additional value.
- Fan casings
- Blades
- Frame segments
- Handlebars
- Rackets
- Seat frames
- Winglet center spars

// our service
Idea to serial production
We offer you a synergetic partnership form the definition of requirements through product development to the serial production.
Product, Costs and Life Cycle Analysis
analyze the product & the requirements, business case analysis determine the environmental impact
Testing & Validation
characterize material / test prototypes / quality & product performance validation / qualification
Design & Prototyping
design & engineering / proof of concept / prototyping
first article inspection / serial part production