Products & Services

from idea to serial production

// products

Thermoplastic composite profiles
with integral functionality

We develop and produce cost-effective ultralight
composite profiles with tailored performance and integral
functionality to go beyond limits

We use the thermoplastic advantage and strive for a simplified part design to provide you the lightweight potential you need.


We use our design expertise and the TP-advantage to tailor the part functionality to your individual needs.


Our lightweight products enable you to save resources and we actively strive towards a circular economy, making them from recycled and recyclable material.


We simplify composite parts and use our platform technology to integrate functionality, automate manufacturing and provide you the most cost-effective solution.

Motion & Load Transfer

Thermoplastics composites (TPCs) have outstanding specific mechanical properties that make them eminently suitable to transfer loads in parts with a clear load path like struts and driveshafts. The meltability of TPCs allows to integrate load transfer elements directly into the part to make them lighter, more robust and cost-effective.
Thermoplastic composite; fiber reinforced thermoplastic (FRTP); Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) pipes The Pipe can be made from CF-PEEK, CF-PAEK, CF-PEKK, CF-PPS, CF-PA, GF-PEEK, GF-PAEK, GF-PEKK, GF-PPS, CF-PA Pipe with composite flange Pipe with fitting Curved Pipe with fitting The flanges and fittings are co-consolidated directly onto the pipe. Liner can be integrated into the pipe The pipes ultralight and cost-effective and sustainable

Fluid Transport & Storage

The chemical resistance of TPCs in combination with their thermo-mechanical properties offer superior performance in harsh and challenging environments. Using non-metallic fittings and integrating them directly into the part enables lighter, more resistant and corrosion free solutions.

Complex Shape & Functionality

TPCs can be welded and thermoformed. The herone technology allows curvature, branches, and variation of cross-section. We use that to increase the design space and add additional value.
Thermoplastic composite; fiber reinforced thermoplastic (FRTP); Carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) profiles The profieles can be made from CF-PEEK, CF-PAEK, CF-PEKK, CF-PPS, CF-PA, GF-PEEK, GF-PAEK, GF-PEKK, GF-PPS, CF-PA Complex contour profile with variable cross-sections Curved profile Curved Pipe with fitting, racket Profile with functions The functions are co-consolidated directly onto the profiles. The profiles are ultralight and cost-effective and sustainable
// Application areas

Industry sectors

We focus on the next generation lightweight solutions to transfer loads, movements and fluids across industry sectors. To do so, we are committed to the highest quality standards and are EN/AS 9100 certified.
// our service

Idea to serial production

We offer you a synergetic partnership form the definition of requirements through product development to the serial production.

Product, Costs and Life Cycle Analysis

analyze the product & the requirements, business case analysis determine the environmental impact

Testing & Validation

characterize material / test prototypes / quality & product performance validation / qualification

Design & Prototyping

design & engineering / proof of concept / prototyping


first article inspection / serial part production

Any thoughts? Get in contact!

herone GmbH
Meschwitzstraße 21
D - 01099 Dresden